Month: June 2021

Speed Up Ubuntu Booting

Are you also stuck like me while booting up Ubuntu[Ubuntu18.04]? It means you too played a lot with terminal. Okay, then without wasting a penny of time let’s fix it up.

First of all, let’s analyse the time taken to boot up the device. Install the package “systemd-bootchart” and “pybootchartgui”.

$sudo apt install systemd-bootchart pybootchartgui

Command to analyze the time taken to boot up the device.

$ systemd-analyze 
Startup finished in 3.418s (kernel) + 42.989s (userspace) = 46.407s reached after 42.914s in userspace

This is the time taken to boot up when I fixed the problem.

Also run the command:

$sudo sed -i 's/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g' /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop

It will edit every instance of NoDisplay=true to NoDisplay=false of all the .desktop files in directory /etc/xdg/autostart. Here -i argument means replace in the same file.

Now open ‘Startup Applications’ and uncheck whatever you don’t wish to load during boot. You are done with it and check again the time taken to boot up by “systemd-analyze” command and note the difference.

Isn’t it easy.:P

Do comment with the difference you got with this solution.